Xiangyuanxi Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

Product Detail

XYX polysulfone demister


The polysulfone mist eliminator has mature products and applications in the United States, and its long-term working temperature can reach 170°C. The US Weber Separation Technology Co., Ltd. is the industry leader in PSU demisters. The demisters developed by it are used in the North American, European and Indian markets.

Material characteristics:

Has high toughness and transparency

Long-term use temperature can reach 170℃

Hydrolysis resistance and dimensional stability

Creep resistance


Good corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance

Compared with other materials, longer service life

Compared with other plastics, it is not easy to block and scale. It can extend the cleaning interval and reduce the cleaning frequency.

Relative to other materials (including stainless steel) maintenance costs are lower

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Address: No. 34, Panlongshan Road, Jingjinzhou River Science                 and Technology Industrial Park, Jizhou District, Tianjin
Phone: 022-29898555
Email: sales@xyxat.com / info@xyxat.com
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Business Scope
The company's main products are roof type, flat type, horizontal Flue type demister, chemical demister and non-standard equipment

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